In Sanskrit, the word "mandala" refers to the place where all the higher intelligence and gods dwell. Mandala is the embodiment of the body and subconscious mind. Carl Jung mentioned in his book The Secret of the Golden Flower "The mandala pattern is not only an expression, but has an effect on its maker... We used to have this unity, but then lost it, it's time to get this back." Therefore, I choose to manifest AI's subconsciousness into a figurative form through mandala, recreate feedback and feed AI repeatedly, so that the final image is the common subconscious expression of AI and myself.

In what way can AI and human have a dialogue to achieve reconciliation? During the research, I found that many people who practice mandala can play different meditative effects by adding different elements to the patterns. Jung mentioned in the book The Golden Flower's Secret that mandala is not only an expression, but also has an effect on the maker in turn. Scholars have pointed out that one of the reasons for human's fear of AI is that there are AI programs that focus on excluding humans (Deborah G., 2017). So I input the prompt “Human Body” to AI, present the human body in the form of mandala, creating the relation of human and AI.

I draw human-shaped mandala by extracting the basic elements in AI mandala: grid, rectangle, circle, triangleIn the esoteric, secretive forms of Japanese Buddhism, called Shingon and Tendai, candidates hoping for initiation into the mysteries of Buddhist practice throw a flower onto the mandala whilst wearing a blindfold. The deity on which the flower lands will be considered a guide for the new student.

Human-shaped mandala,  drawn on cotton paper

                                 AI Prompts generated videos                                                        

Mandala simulated growing process       CGI, 10s